Your speaking of Teddy Roe. The Outfit , after Al Capone sentenced, was trying to takeover then before Giancana met Ed Jones and the Big 12 hold them off. Bronzeville's Numbers Racket was more lucrative than Harlem during the 1930s. By the time Outfit cease most of numbers racket in the early-mid 50s it's earnings have actually decline. There was still independent operators earning good amount unaware to the Outfit. Then came along the 60s that pretty much change the underworld for both Italians & Blacks.

@ Gets
I have that book and it's a must read as I said before. That's how I'm so familiar with Chicago's Bronzeville , Woodlawn, and generally Southside. I wish he did more books on other cities especially Nashville.

If you think you are too small to make a difference, you haven't spend the night with a mosquito.
- African Proverb