Originally Posted By: Footreads
When my friend had his deli in east Harlem. There was a another tenement that was for sale for apx 15 thousand right next to his place. No one would buy it back then.

Then a drug rehabilitation people offered him around 30 thousand for the place. Now the owner is as happy as a pig in shit.

But my friend was worried that is would kill his business. Then you could have a drug rehalitation relatively near a school. That school lunch business was a big part of his business.

So he and other local business scraped up 15 thousand to buy the building to keep the drug guys from buying the building.

They meet with the owner he said no unless they pay him the 30 thousand that the drug guys offered him.

Johnny had a lot of friends so a few guys from the neighbor hood went to see the owner. They tried to reason with him. The owner fell of his own roof so no one ever bought that building.

I love when things work out perfectly.

Be Loyal, Be Loving, Be Quiet.