Originally Posted By: BronaZora
Originally Posted By: mike89
I brought this up about the rizzuto's not making people....I don't think they do

That's my thinking as well, they probably see it as some old outdated tradition and the people that are high up in the group know who they are and so does everyone else around them (Sort of like the Outfit). This may also explain why Fernandez thought he was made. Though I'm sure Italians get a higher priority and an easier time to get into the group considering that it's still an Italian Mob.

Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Think the [BadWord]-Caruana/Rizzuto ties died with Agostino.

Apparently Liborio Cun-trera is among the new leaders of the Rizzuto family, not sure what his connection is to the actual Sicilian clan but he does carry the surname, so it's highly likely that the relationship is still there.

Of course there are still Cun-trera's in the Montreal group, like Liborio. But when people say the [BadWord]-Caruana/Rizzuto clan, they're usually referring to the exclusive Sicilian relationship which pretty much allowed the Rizzuto's to top the drug industry in Montreal. That relationship, doesn't exist anymore. While Rizzuto was in jail and after Nick & Nicolo had died, as well as Agostino, there were reports that the Cun-trera's were also friendly with the 'Ndrangheta clans that was supposedly against the Rizzuto's. There's a mention of there being a funeral for a high ranking 'Ndrangheta boss, and the [BadWord]'s , a large group of them were present at that funeral, and hopped on a Party bus afterwards with other 'Ndrangheta members and went to the reception of a [BadWord] who was getting married, in Business Or Blood.

And there's been some over on the RD forum who speculate that Agostino was the black sheep of the Cun-trera clan, and that that whole alliance hadn't been as close as always implied over the years. And that Agostino's relationship with the Sicilian Montreal clan stemmed from the fact that Agostino may have actually been a Montreal soldier before anything else, and that he was inducted under the Bonanno banner. As opposed to being a made member of the Siculiana clan like most of the older, more powerful Cun-trera/Caruana's were.

Long story short, there may still be some marriage ties, but as far as them being linked together as one big family connected by familial and marriage bloodlines, solely loyal to each other, that isn't the case anymore.

And there were actually two groups against the Rizzuto's, they both stemmed from the Rizzuto clan itself, ie. Di Maulo/Desjardin's/De Vito, but Montagna had his own group which consisted of Giuseppe LoPresti's kid, who had become bitter and blamed the Rizzuto's for his fathers death and Moreno Gallo, I believe. Those two groups had the similar goal of eradicating the Rizzuto's, which led to the confusion that they were all the same group, although they were at one point allies, I don't think we can say they were the same group. Somewhere along the lines, Montagna & Desjardin's had a falling out which led to Montagna's death.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 11/09/15 02:59 PM.