so this trial is going to the jury monday i think anything possible after tommy shots beat 6 murders last time. all they got is his cousin word that he was in a car at the seen. i guess the tapes of him saying jimmy fucked us out the money but a good lawyer could spin it. how bout the press not covering anything but the heist. how bout the million dollar gold dust heist i wonder what the fuck happend and who did it. that was brushed over.just alot of he said shit no hard proof all paid government witnesses. the cousin getting 3000 amonth and asaro helpiing him out getting money hes owed and constintly using asaro and his name for shakedowns. rotten to do it to your own cousin. asaro looked out for this guy what a shitbag. massino would have got caught in lies i bet. all and all this trial needed better reporting and that pats are woppin the skins what a snooze fest . think im gonna go for a walk sucks it will be dark in 2 hours.