Originally Posted By: DB
Great read , one of the best books I read in awhile if your interested in history and foreign policy in the 40s-60s . Blew me away and his book Brothers was excellent as well , author is just a top notch investigator and writer , a lot in this book has never been discussed or written about , ever , and that's rare IMO

Pretty funny this is on a mob forum as I've never read a mob book before , but when it comes to history , foreign policy on wars and the spy game and I can't get enough of them

Some people think the mob had something to do with the JFK hit, so that is why you would JFK on OC Frorm.

Anyway i think the mob had small part to do with the JFK hit, but the main players in the JFK hit used the small mob links to put the eye on the mob along with top CIA, The CIA-MOB were up to their eyes in trying to wack out Fidel Castro.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) new the CIA-MOB had links to get Fidel Castro and JSC had their own sections set up with in the CIA-MOB nexus to hit JFK.

At the end the CIA-MOB would know jackshit how the hit on Fidel Castro come around to hit JFK ? All the links would go back to the CIA-MOB and they would have to cover it all up.