
Yeah and the fact that these issues are coming up now just bolster F1's point about some in media out to get Carson off track.

I've read about Carson since I was a kid.I'm certain I read the first Ebony magazine article about him, and in fact I was asked to record the Cuba Gooding tv/cable film about his life and burn to dvd for a youth church group.

Before Carson got involved in politics(and apparently on the "wrong side") he was a media hero. The violent past he had and the incidents were taken as truth in every book,report,article or interview about him EVER.

When candidate runs for national office, of course everything gets super scrutinized BUT 99% of the time the candidate did worse things than what they've admitted. Carson is being challenged for not being as much of a delinquent as he claimed. Only other time I've seen this angle taken is when rappers are called out for being "studio gangsters" by other rappers for lying about the violence or crimes in their songs.

Carson is not a career politician, so the standard grime attached to candidates just isn't there. He appears to have been a faithful husband, so that kind of grime doesn't exist either.

If the best the media has on you is that you weren't offered a scholarship to a service academy and that you didn't stab people or attack your mother..I'd say you're ahead of the game.