Yeah that's a good point they're usually a little different in subject matter, kinda like the whole season. I just got this 18 y/o kid in my building to start watching The Wire and had to warn him not to give up during season 2 cause I've seen a lot of people write the show off after getting a couple episodes deep into season 2. But I gotta say I was glad he even kept watching in the first place, it can be tough to get these young knuckleheads to want to gain some knowledge.

Anyway, yours is Marlo talking to Mike about the ring. Still one of my favorite subplots of the entire series with the ring starting with Andre and going through three pretty heavy guys (Marlo, Omar, and the cop whose name I can't remember) before Mike got it. The look Chris and Marlo give each other in that scene is priceless too.

"Scared straight?"

"More like bored stiff"