Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
The D'Anna's weren't busted in 2014. They've been fighting the same case for a while now. First they plead guilty but given very minimal sentences and fines, which had the legal system claiming the judge in that case was corrupt. So they re-tried them. This is the ongoings of that retrial.

your right they were orginaly indicted on state charges in 2011 and then reindicted in 2013

the state case was a disgrace so what i meant is that they were really indicted in 2014 (i know it was 2013 that was a mistake) that state case was a waste of time and a joke really i dont even consider it a case

the D`anna brothers are disgrace beating up an innocent man because he was expanding his restaurant it is appalling what happened there really is shows they are all scum bags there whole family is fucked now

good article on the case


Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion