The Tonton Macoute probably have their closest counterparts in the Gestapo or the Russian or East German secret police. At least the USA isn't there yet.

In the USA there has always been the problem of prosecutors who were more interested in furthering their careers than in pursuing justice. Rarely do they get called out on these cases. A lot of the big cases of American history involved legal abuses and miscarriages of justice. Al Capone's tax evasion trial that sent him to prison actually should have been dismissed because the statute of limitations had passed, but the judge ignored it. In the Lucky Luciano case, Tom Dewey did things that were illegal to obtain a conviction. More recently in the Enron case, prosecutors went after everyone when it was only a couple people who actually did criminal wrongdoing. So it doesn't matter if you're black or white or rich or poor, if a prosecutor wants to get you and that prosecutor is only interested in furthering his or her career, you're probably going to lose and spend time in prison even if you did nothing wrong. That's why I'll keep my trust in God and not in our corrupt legal system.