Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Lou, let us know if anything is made in the USA? If they are made over seas....how would they get them here so quick? World economics - I don't get it. Let's go METS!

That stuff literally costs pennies to make in overseas sweatshops, MC. As soon as the playoffs begin, a limited amount of every possible winner of each series are quickly sewn together and shipped to the U.S. immediately. The losses are negligible.

Years ago my brother-in-law worked for Foot Locker. He still has shirts from 1989 that show the S.F. Giants as "World Champions." That was the earthquake World Series when they lost to the A's.

I imagine there are thousands of "non-winner" shirts worn third world countries....where no one will ever see them.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12