Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
Originally Posted By: BillyBrizzi

'Crazy' Phil Leonetti didn't like his nickname and asked his uncle Nicky Scarfo if he could do something about the radio dj how gave it to him.

Scarfo said: ''Are you, no pun intended, crazy? Guys would kill for such a nickname..''

So Phil left it the way it was and was Crazy Phil ever since.

He told this story on several mob documentaries..

But they only hurt "bad people".

That radio DJ was a bad man.

Come on MOE" we all know thats not true ...just like the cops that beat the shit out of people for us for years ...same...all the same ...good people are good people bad people are bad...all in the genes !!!

Last edited by Serpiente; 10/24/15 10:17 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."