Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Originally Posted By: fergie
Helen, glad you're posting about this, you make far better points than I can...

Thanks. I truly appreciate that.

Edited to add:

I think there are a few common sense things we can do that would allow guns and still greatly reduce some of the issues.

Require a license for every firearm, close the private sale loopholes, and make safe storage a law.

People often use cars as an analogy, as in 'cars kill people but we don't ban them'. We do require insurance on cars though, and you have to prove you can drive to get a license, and you can't sell a car without a government involved title transfer. Those aren't bad ideas for firearms.

While that sounds nice and reasonable, I fail to see how any of that stops a crazy person from entering a gun free zone such as a school and shooting up the place or gang members from using guns to shoot each other .

Having lisences for cars never stopped drive by shootings.
When you get a car lisence, the idea is that you prove you know basic safety and rules of the road.
Most people aren't worried about people not knowing how to properly use guns safety. It is a concern and accidents do happen, but that isn't the main issue.
The issue is malicious intent.

When I bought my handgun, I had to take a short multiple choice test and perform a visual test showing how to safely handle the handgun. Then was given the handgun permit. But that's here in California. Then I had to wait about 10 days and have a background check.
The thing is, I still don't see how any of that stops bad people from doing bad things.

The one point that I think is valid is that guns can be moved to bad areas and cities from areas with less restriction on guns and less crime.
Which is why I have a bit more respect for those that argue against all gun ownership everywhere. Because in order to hurt the firearm black market you'd have to ban all guns and destroy hundreds of millions of guns. And then MAYBE, that will have some sort of effect. I don't know.
I would fight against that tooth and nail, but it makes more sense than these annoying ass laws California keeps passing that ultimately just makes things harder on legal gun owners that aren't criminals. Magazine capacity restrictions, ammo restrictions, conceal carry restrictions, storage restrictions, fees, and on and on. And for what? So criminals can continue doing what they do.

We are not ever going to be able to stop all the bad people from doing bad things. I don't believe that I've said that any controls could put a stop to all the gun violence. That's never going to happen.

As far as mass shootings by lunatics go, as horrifying as they are that's not the main issue. It just gets the most press due to the terrible nature of those crimes.

As for cars and drive bys, you do still need the gun. Otherwise you'd have to run people down in the car, right? wink

To be honest, gang members killing each other doesn't even bother me that much. It's only when they kill innocent victims that I'm troubled.

We can't eradicate the criminal aspects of human nature, it will always be with us. But we can make it tougher for guns to get into those people's hands on the black market. Many states dont even require a permit. I see that as a problem. I'm aware that some people don't. But a large amount of the guns on the black market come from those states. Clamping down on those type of sales could make an impact. Also, straw purchases are a huge problem, along with legally licensed but corrupt at home and commercial gun dealers. These two sources are where the majority of illegal guns come from. Stolen guns are actually the smallest percentage of guns that make their way onto the black market, according to data from the ATF.

I certainly don't believe I have all the answers, and certainly don't think we will ever be able to fully eradicate gun violence but if we can stop some people from being killed I think we owe it to them and to ourselves as a country and as individuals.

Sorry for the super long post.

All God's children are not beautiful. Most of God's children are, in fact, barely presentable.

I never met anyone who didn't have a very smart child. What happens to these children, you wonder, when they reach adulthood?