1) I agree, its the minority, but its a HUGE minority considering the numbers involved.
2) entirely debatably, neither of us can prove beyond a doubt. However I CAN prove innocent people are dying needlessly
3) most aren't, those that shoot themselves by accident i would put down to natural selection...stupid is as stupid does. However, YOU gave them the license.
4) helen hit the nail on the head earlier...if guns are easier to get hold of legally, they are easier to get hold of illegally, basically (apologies if Im summarising incorrectly Helen).

But again, Im cool if you want to keep your guns, grab your dick and feel secure..I'm telling you though, you'll find it more difficult year by year through stricter control, stiffer penalties and media pressure. The government wont just disregard your right, but theres ways to get round it over time. The NRA will be as popular as the KKK in a few years-its an observation, so don't go crazy!