Originally Posted By: thedudeabides87

"Rights aren't rights if someone can take them away. They're privileges. That's all we've ever had in this country, is a bill of temporary privileges. And if you read the news even badly, you know that every year the list gets shorter and shorter. You see all, sooner or later. Sooner or later, the people in this country are gonna realize the government does not give a fuck about them! The government doesn't care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare or your safety. It simply does not give a fuck about you! It's interested in its own power. That's the only thing. Keeping it and expanding it wherever possible."- George Carlin

Carlin also referred to gun enthusiasts as 'dickless' and said that they were 'missing chromosomes and should be thrown screaming from helicopters'


Now, as far as even having a national conversation on gun control in the US goes, Dan Hodges summed it all up nicely:

In retrospect Sandy Hook marked the end of the US gun control debate. Once America decided killing children was bearable, it was over.

In the interest of full disclosure- I own guns, 30 of them. Everything from a Sako .22 to a Zanotti 12 gauge. My husband hunts and I was raised in a family that did as well. Not one of these guns would likely help me defend my home, because like any truly responsible gun owner they are kept unloaded and locked in a gun safe. By the time I could get one out and load it, I'd likely already be a victim.

My grandfather was a longtime NRA member who was NY state's rapid fire rifle shooting champion for many years. He was a certified instructor who taught hundreds of people how to shoot. He resigned from the NRA in the late 70s when he felt that it had gone from being primarily a sporting organization to a completely political one.

There are many people like us who own and use guns and don't oppose strict regulations or controls. Owning guns carries with it a heavy responsibility. Not everyone that wants regulation wants a total ban. But no rational person can look at what's going on here and not recognize that there is a problem in this country.

Last edited by helenwheels; 10/22/15 11:41 AM.

All God's children are not beautiful. Most of God's children are, in fact, barely presentable.

I never met anyone who didn't have a very smart child. What happens to these children, you wonder, when they reach adulthood?