Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Nope. They all have the same bullshit excuse. That they were doing it for revenge and not to dodge prison time.

It's true enough in some cases, though. Once in a while they do create their own rats by bullying their own crew members, short changing and embarrassing them in public, etc.

Greg DePalma's a good example. I'm not excusing them, but he two-faced every rat in the Scores case into flipping.

Wasn't it basically the same situation with Casso? Him being so paranoid, ordering murders of people he "suspected" of being rats who really weren't, and giving his infamous "whack Jersey" order probably didn't help him.

Chiodo, D'Arco, and Accetturo (along with others in the Jersey crew) flipped because Casso was a homicidal maniac who basically pushed them into the arms of the government. I'm sure there are others from the Lucchese's who flipped at that time too that I can't remember.

PB - I know you are well versed on this, so I will ask even though you've probably been asked before. What rank in the family did Crea have at the time Tony Ducks went to prison, and how much power/respect did he have from the rest of the family? In my opinion, it seems that Corallo could have drastically changed the future of the family back then by choosing Stevie (or somebody else who was highly respected) instead of giving the power to Vic and Gas.