Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Here's a summary of last night's Democratic debate. Four old white people trying to out "socialism" each other by trying to see who can give away more taxpayer money, to give away more freebies without any means of paying for them, and one other old white guy who was an old JFK Democrat who didn't fit in. Plus the media asking softball questions and pandering, without which no Democratic debate would be complete.

Damn right. Jesus, people who like Bernie Sanders are so gullible. He preys on the naiveté of Millennials who's own weird version of utopia includes free starbucks, internet memes, a twisted sense of social justice, and organic hipster bullshit. Forget actually knowing what you're talking about when it comes to things like the economy, the justice system, our Constitution, and infrastructure. Let's just find a "safety zone" where no big bad people can violate our fragile little feelings groomed and encouraged by our helicopter parents