Originally Posted By: gangstereport
the way you guys talk about neil i dont get arguably yes he was not the best material but the family wanted him so it does not matter they obviously respected him but.

all this rubbish is complletly false thewop is coming out with shit he said no one liked neil even though he was respected nationwide he is chatting shit how neil would eye people out in restaurents how the fuck would you know? you were prob not even born when neil was on the streets acting like you knew the guy that he was hated even though everything i hear was the complete opposite its bullshit you dont know what your talking about i think your a troll trying to get a rise out of people because no one ever talks about neil like that seriously i cant believe what i am hearing in the other thread decicco and gotti was a drunk. The priest thing was a hit he dresse up as priest i dont understand your obsession with bringing that up every post is slating these guys i dont get it

One last reply becos I'm stupid and my hands are shaking violently and tears are running down eyes as I type. Gangster has you ever been to New York? Has ever been to a wake or a funeral? 30+ the Italian community was hit with murders everybody dying. I knew a guy who was a ditch digger in case if your not from New York that's someone with a 9-5 low paying job until he went into the funeral business and became a millionaire. Not going to mention anymore names but at the wakes remember looking over at penny wise the clown from the movie IT with Steven King. Wondering to myself what are you doing here? Why not join the westies or pagans why come to us? Things have died down a lot lately. Have a blessed day.