Jim crow only 50 years ago???? What about 50 years after the jews were released from concentration camps?? That would of been 1995 and the jews seemed to of done very well way before that.

Chinese immigrants came from upper income families? What ?? Tell that to the chinese food delivery guy who delivers in dangerous black neighborhoods on his bicycle. Most chinese and indians that come here are NOT from upper or middle class families, thats bull shit. They succeed because they are strong believers in education and they push their kids hard. More importantly, they dont have an out of wedlock birth rate of over 70% .
Think about this. You have millions of blacks that live in poverty and in violent neighborhoods. They then ask themselves," how can i create a better life". Their answer: "i know, i will have a bunch of kids without being married, without having my child a stable environment, without aquiring skills that will make me marketable in the job market". Thats a recipe for success..NOT.
Your statement about all the black engineers is laughable. I dont know why you woukd post such nonsense.
The issues in the black community can be solved quickly. All they have to do is stop having babies out of welock. Have children after being married and raise them in a stable environment. Babies arent pitbull puppies.

Last edited by Crash; 10/11/15 03:45 PM.