Originally Posted By: Crash
You are right, there is more to basketball than just bouncing a ball. You also have to toss the ball through a hoop. However, i dont think it takes intellect to do that.
What bothers me , most basketball players are black and from the time they are just a bunch of fine young bucks,they are bred to bounce balls, have babies, and perhaps engage in some crime.
What the black community needs to to is simple: push these kids to be commodity traders, bankers, engineers, doctors, and accountants. But thats not the way it is in the black community. Instead of listening to Al Sharpton and his bullshit, have a REAL black leader step up to the plate and say hey, why not get an education or skilled trade, save some money, travel the world, meet a nice girl from a nice family, get married, then have a baby!!!! That sounds logical.
You do that and blacks will stop killing each other and they would actually become the minority in prison opposed to the majority.
And for gods sakes, stop blaming hard working white people for all your irresponsible decisions. And for heavens sakes, you can do far greater things than rap or bounce a damn ball. We are all born equal, those from no reason for blacks to be so far behind the eight ball.
Chinese are the true minority as are india, why do they succeed!!!

You also have to toss the ball through a hoop. However, i dont think it takes intellect to do that.

ok I grew up with and played with and against Quinton Dailey and Tony Guy in Baltimore both HS all-americans and college all- americans(78-81) and NBA draft picks. the time those guys put into hoops was mind boggling. we would have a brutal practice for a summer league team, and you would walk by a playground at midnight and those jokers would be back on the court. you are just not falling out of bed and just be black and tall and make the nba.

What the black community needs to to is simple: push these kids to be commodity traders, bankers, engineers, doctors, and accountants.

What makes you think black folks are not in those career fields? I work at the big airplane maker in seattle do you know how many black engineers and engineering techs are there? scores of them. I agree way too many bros do waste time on rap but I will never knock anybody for playing sports. You can parlay a scholarship to a small college into a nice lifestyle if you get the degree,my older brother did. My friend Tony Guy did not play long in the NBA but he graduated from the University of Kansas and got a state farm agency he has ran for 35 years. I know black pilots, doctors,engineers and other professionals. I myself am a degreed FAA licensed aircraft mech and worked for TWA and NWA for 20 years. the media and other folks do not want to talk about those black folks, they rather peddle ghetto pathology and jim crow based stereotypes.

stop listening to Al Sharpton? I always shake my head when I read this. He is not a factor really,but I will tell you this, that mofo is not always wrong I have seen enough bs on these jobs myself to know he is not lying.

can we admit the drug dealing based killing in these big cities is no different from the stuff crooks and killers this site is based on have done. They have the same mentality, I think it is hard for a inner city hoodlum to top Roy DeMeo.

no reason for blacks to be so far behind the eight ball.
Chinese are the true minority as are india, why do they succeed!!! [/quote]

You know those folks are often from the educated upper classes in those countries.The uneducated poor from those places are not getting into America,same with the Africans. You know the blacks in America are only 50 yrs out of jim crow which made sure blacks come not build real wealth in the country. but we supposed to catch up in 50 yrs? that is not going to happen. blacks did not even start get decent jobs in private industry until the 80's let alone start businesses. Blacks were legally blocked out of social security too at the beginning and could not use their GI bills in the south or outside the ghetto up north when they came home from the war until the civil right acts of 1965

Last edited by satch7; 10/10/15 08:29 PM.