President Obama said we need new and more gun laws because of the mass killings that occur too often. For those who agree with him, what new gun law would you create that could prevent future massacres?

1) Keep in mind that the USA has a Constitution that gives people the right to bear arms. Actually it expresses the right that the Founders already believed existed, the right of self-defense against people trying to kill you, your family and friends, and for the defense of your country and against tyranny.

2) Also keep in mind that the gunman entered a gun-free zone where firearms weren't allowed. He broke that law, and if he murdered people, why is a killer going to care about it. A gun-free zone means that no one else can fire back until police arrive.

3) There is no evidence that the killer was mentally ill, crazy, insane, whatever you want to call it. He didn't have paranoid schizophrenia or some other psychosis, was never hospitalized for mental illness, and was not under the care of a psychiatrist. Nor was he a drug abuser.

So with all those things in mind, what new law would you create?