Originally Posted By: DB
Very impressive , that crew is just a monster , so well diversified

They don't call them the Ivy League for nothing. But like I said, poor Angelo ran part of that crew while he was Bronx based and living in Yonkers. And Rudy ran the Arthur Avenue crew for years with Joe D. Angelo's family is on their own, Rudy died broke, but Joe D left behind so much cash that you'd have to weigh it to count it.

There are guys who care more about the prestige than the money. I hate to say it because I love him like an Uncle, but Angelo was one of those guys. Rudy, too. Point being, even the Ivy League will leave your family out in the cold if you don't plan ahead.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.