Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
There was no retaliation simply because...well, who to retaliate against? How to find those guys who attacked Chris? Would he even recognize them?

KonKostic,isn't important to kill the same men that beaten Chris. Christopher Moltisanti even is a junkie,was a made man so the family must take trusted wiseguyes and begin to kill the gang members, set fire to their homes, etc. the demeos are a family of Cosa Nostra, even if second-class, and not revenge a member who was beaten means to admit to don't have even the slightest power on the streets.

Is it possible something like this happened off screen and just never got mentioned? Some low level goon went and shot some other low level goon? The other 4 families and Philadelphia were all mentioned, but only George Paglieri was seen once, so we know stuff happens.

"Name one thing in this world that is not negotiable." Walter Hartwell White