Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
Originally Posted By: NE1020
Those guys didn't know Christopher was made or even know who he was so they're going to jump him anyway.

Mikey Scars got in a fight with two guys who didn't know he was a capo. When they found out who they got in a fight with they got scared but Scars apparently let it slide because he accepted the fact they didn't know he was made.

How the guys found out that the guy is a made man and even a capo ?

They maybe ask on the streets or the gambinos find them,and only because Scars fell that wasn't the case to kill them,they survived ?

Right, right, like there isn't enough heat already. Why not add to it by killing gang members and assaulting entire neighborhoods.

That just don't happen.

There are only a gang and gang members die,some criminals that killed another criminal what heat ? Assault entire neighborhoods ? That's a bullshit,who's the gang boss? Tony or Paulie must go to him saying "your men beated my man,who're the men'" if the boss say fuckyou so began to kill every gang member on the streets; is a respect question.

Dude, dafuq are you talking about? What gang? What gang boss? Chris was assaulted by some lowlife drug dealing gangbangers. They got away with it because Tony is not going to risk his men getting arrested for murder on such insignificant stuff. Are you for real?