Few things:
Lucky was from Lercara Friddi, it didn't have a strong mafia pressence, and he didn't have relatives in the mafia.
Lucky operated mostly in Naples and Rome, from what I understand.
Lucky connects to heroin started out diverting legal opiates to the black market, then by his connections to French Corsicans through the oss (CIA)
Lucky depended on reliable people in the states to maintain power when he got deported, this is one of the major misconceptions I think people have, they forget these guys are JACKALS. When lucky gets deported EVERYONES power increased, yet people seemed convinced that these guys would be tripping over themselves to pay him respect and send tribute when he's locked away for 50 years or thousands of miles away.
Someone mentioned JOe BIondo as LUckys go between, this is interesting cause Biondo was GAmbinos man, to me it corroborates the meeting of Luciano and gambino in 48. It explains the rise of gambino, and is a subtle clue that lucky didn't find Anastasia that reliable, Scalise was anastasias man in narcotics, he was not liked by lucky.
I know people find that last testament fraudulent, but a lot of it is really intriguing...