Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
20-30% bear market coming. The forward earnings are terrible, the only thing that kept this market going was trillions from the fed/zero interest rate and a robust china. We have neither and the fed is now out of ammo in this fight. Major deleveraging ahead.

My portfolio is 100% cash. I will back up the truck after the crash. Going to leave the 401k alone, have 30+ years to retire.

How do you know a bear market is about to hit? The stock market forecasts recessions. I don't think that's happened yet. And the new trade deal that everyone was distrustful of is moving forward, the TPP (or Trans Pacific Partnership). That might boost corporate profits and the stock market with it, whether or not it causes a net loss or gain in domestic employment.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."