Originally Posted By: Belmont
If you buy a little on big dips you will make out well in the long run. Its impossible to know when you hit bottom my friend, it aint gonna happen.
Buy on big dips when everyone else is afraid.
How many investors bought the bottom in 2009??? Only liars.
You can buy index funds every 700 point drop in the dow or 75 point drop in the s&p .

Buying the Dow or an Index fund on dips is one thing. Picking individual stocks out and them buying them on dips or corrections is quite another. The thing about the Dow is that it won't give you outsized returns. The beautiful part about the Dow is that it will keep rising. Dow? Yes. Index funds? Meh. Beware of fees. Mutual funds? No. Most mutual funds do not beat the Dow from what I understand.

All of that said, "dips" are not a proper price signal.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."