Originally Posted By: K1NG6
Originally Posted By: gangstereport
Carmine is the boss

How do you know Carmen DiNunzio is the boss? (It's Carmen, by the way - not Carmine). Are you on the streets? How do you know for sure? I'm not saying that it's impossible for Carmen to be the boss, but I've never heard any significant proof or claims that he was the boss of the family. If anything, the feds have had him as the underboss since at least as far back as 2006.

His brother, Anthony, was the "acting boss" until he got sentenced in 2012. Manocchio retired in 2009 and surrendered the position to Limone, who was his consigliere. And, in the indictment last year, the FBI had Spucky Spagnolo as the acting boss. So that would seem to me that the most reasonable option would be that Limone is still the "official" boss; whether or not he has any real power or say on the streets is unknown. He could just be a figurehead for all we know.

If Spagnolo ends up going to jail, then it very well could be that the Big Cheese ends up as the next acting boss. Hell, he very well could be the most powerful figure in Boston right now, but there is no proof that he is boss of the family.




your right i dont know for sure if he is boss i meant to say my personal opinion is that carmen is the real boss.

Spagnolo has been indicted he is not in the postition run the family. Peter simone i read is losing it mentaly and has little to do with the family.

Who else matty g does not have enough power and is based in the weakened rhoden island faction. Parallo has power but nothing like the cheeseman

he was baby shacks number two and if he did not get indicted he would have become boss after shacks retired.

Even if its not in name in my opinion he is the most powerful guy in boston and that means the family as the rhoden island faction has been weakened (bobby deluca etc) recently

carmen has his whole crew as well which must increase his power and two of his guys got made recently which shows his increase in power



Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion