Furio, where did you get that chart? Please take it down and delete it. That is the old version of my chart, and the quality looks terrible. I have updated it since then. If you want to post it or link to it in the future, please use the link I've posted down at the bottom - the newest version will always be found on my site.

Regarding whoever mentioned that Borgesi would not report to Angelina: I have never and will never claim my chart to be 100% accurate. That is impossible to do without being on the street and knowing all of the players personally. I did my best with the information that is available through news reports, indictments, and other sources. I originally did not have a captain for South Philly/Delaware County, because there is no real information out there. A very well respected poster on one of the other boards regarding Philly informed me that Angelina was the captain of that crew. It could very well be wrong information, but this person is in the know about Philly and is usually right on the money.

Click link below for full size high resolution view: