Originally Posted By: Vknicks
Lol ok i was thinking physical features which is why it didn't make sense, was that something everyone called him im surpirsed i never heard it lol, was a great place when it was open buts a shame to see that whole part of the neigborhood besides the dressshop the bakery its like a whole new planet haha

By 2025, Albanians will own more than half the apartment complexes in MP, and the populace will be largely Latino.

And I'm not sure if you've noticed the trend, but the Albanians and Latinos are starting to breed in MP, especially around Lydig.

Good luck when THOSE kids grow up lol.

Not racial, just a little joke about two volatile groups intermarrying. Kinda like the Italians and the Irish in Throggs Neck years ago. I think that's how we ended up with Edgewater Park lol.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.