@F1, thanks
I didn't know that, I thought oc was in the business of making money..not shooting themselves in the foot.


I need to read more about this immigrant crisis because I first thought that it involved residents of former European colonies going to said countries to work.For example..some of the first waves of immigrants to England were Jamaican workers(at the time British subjects/citizens) going there to help rebuild post war industries. I'm going to assume that this is/was the case with the North Africans and their presence in France.

So there was a push and a pull. Bad conditions in country A meets need for labor in country B.

Currently, there is no pull factor or industries requiring large pools of labor and the immigrants have no ties to the countries they are going to, not even speaking the same language as was the case with the Jamaicans and North Africans.

The leaders of the home countries of the immigrants need to be called out for NOT developing industry in a way that benefits their own people. They sell out their own people and let multinational companies extract all the natural resources from their countries, as long as they get their cut.

Men are not gonna sit around and starve or let family starve so they leave to go find work anywhere else.

This is the narrative I'm most familiar with so have to read more about how Isis is having an effect on the push factor in these countries.