Originally Posted By: Alfanosgirl
I haven't read or heard about any rattlesnake warnings here. You can never be too careful especially when up in the hills. I can't believe people try to take a selfie with a rattlesnake ever see that lol

Something new and interesting...
My son said that since the field grass is dying out they are not allowed to play soccer or run on it during recess. It's pretty much off limits. What a shame! The kids can only play on the black top or on the playground.

I go to the nearby park for a run every morning. They recently put a sign up on lawn saying "Recycled water used in the a.m., bodily contact is prohibited." panic What if you're walking your dog and it sniffs around?

As far as Rattlesnake selfies...you will NEVER...I repeat NEVER see me do that. I'm the one who jumps on the table when i see a mouse. lol OR a snake. Geez, you'd think I live right in the middle of the boondocks.
I know what it is tho. They are tearing down a portion of the Cleveland Nat'l forest to build houses and I THINK that's bringing some of these critters ( panic) out.

Yea I did hear about a guy who took selfie of he and snake and got bitten. Geez, ya think?? LOL


Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 09/03/15 02:05 PM.

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