Gets - Good comments as usual. Adding to what you wrote, the Mafia severely damaged Sicily's lemon industry back in the early 1900s. That's what they do. They are parasites, cancers.

rockstar - Yes, EU leaders like Merkel and most of the press continue to label people who don't like this overwhelming influx "anti-immigrant" and "xenophobic," as if they hate immigrants. I bet, like you wrote, most of the citizens are concerned about Muslim immigrants, most of whom are influenced by the extremist Wahhabi form of Sunni Islam that Saudi Arabia spreads through its massive wealth. But don't worry, it'll be more like 20 years that Islam is dominant in places like France, with Germany, England, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Italy not far behind. They'll impose Shari'a and have full control of France's nukes.

Saudi Arabia is basically just a long-term form of what ISIS is; their beliefs are not very different, but their strategies are. Saudi Arabia does the same types of punishment on its own people that ISIS does, including crucifixion.

If the Iranian leaders weren't so obstinate and stupid we could be allies. Yes, Iran also practices the same sort of medieval punishments Saudi Arabia does (just not as often), but in the scheme of things Iran could be the lesser of evils. Just like supporting the Syrian government is a lesser evil than ISIS, but like Iran it is also a bad actor, plus Turkey, our sometimes ally and a member of NATO, wants to overthrow Syria and make it Sunni. It's sort of like a chess game in prison where a mass murder is on one side and a serial killer on the other. Bad choices all around.