Originally Posted By: NE1020
It is true that LCN has had crazed psychopaths in their organization, but my perspective of that is that they have always been the minority. If you look a number of made guys who have killed women, tortured people etc. they are outnumbered by the members who are just street guys rather than psychos

One innocent victim killed is one too many.

How would you feel if the "wrong" Nicky Guido was your brother, killed on Chistmas Day because a crooked cop got the wrong information and turned it over to Casso?

That old "we only kill each other" quote is a steaming hot pile of horseshit.

Nothing personal, NE1020. I enjoy your posts, and I think you're a valuable asset here smile.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.