Uhm, I don't know about that, not too sure I agree on that analogy. The overall point of the Mafia in the 20th-21st century was power, in order to be the ones with all the power, you needed money, the primary goal was to earn. Regardless of if you're on the street or doing white collar crime, or legit jobs, earning money was the goal. You're saying it's okay for a mafia family of any sort to be brokesters? If they are that means that family is no longer viable, no longer a factor in the overall underworld. It's no wonder they were being compared with the common street gang during that time. Ligambi took over and he tried the best he could to revert it back to the old days where money was the goal, but along with Merlino & the Bruno/Scarfo Crime Family, the illegal ways of earning outside of drugs went on the decline as well. Now instead of cases involving 500k loans, guys are being sent to prison for assaulting debtors over 500 bucks.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 08/26/15 10:31 PM.