He's being hunted by the other cartel members, which is why he can't go back to Mexico. He still has his supply chain and everything that makes him a crucial asset to Ghost and the other dealers in NY, but he's sort of independent in terms of the Cartel. I didn't like the first season of this show, but the second season really began to draw me in, Tommy is easily my favorite character and I really want Ghost to get his for giving Tommy up the way he did. Even though he got Tommy out, it was all a scheme so Tommy wouldn't find out that it was Ghost who set him up in the first place.

But they went overboard with the ending of season two. I'm supposed to believe Kanaan is still alive after being stabbed repeatedly by Ghost and left to bleed out, and managed to escape the fire Ghost started to get rid of the evidence? No freaking way.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 08/25/15 12:03 PM.