Originally Posted By: olivant
Gett, the answer is that the practice of child sex by Muslims is, in the 21st century, still being rationalized as moral and otherwise legitimate by Islam's religious canon by those Muslims who engage in child sex.


I can't and won't defend THAT, I was saying that the ones doing that, using literal interpretations to justify perversity, represent one "faction" of Islam.

A few years ago when the earthquake struck in Haiti, even before the dead were buried Pat Robertson was making comments about the tragedy = Haiti being punished for working with the DEVIL to defeat the French. Implicitly saying that "God" was on the side of the French slavers .Wasn't the first time I read a Christian leader voice that opinion, and I don't remember ONE prominent Christian leader denouncing Robertson for his comments. I've read the literature that forms the core of that view as well as the Bible verses used to bolster it.
Robertson and those who hold those views don't represent every Christian anymore than those who used the Bible to justify North American slavery did.....anymore than those who used verses to justify segregation of races in America.