Trials eat all money up ! Like you said there were others in the family that had to eat.

I know the sister married up but she would in no way carry Skinny to long . The chance she would risk anything that would hurt her husband is out if the question .

Nat Nat did well but they ate that up .At the end I dont like to say this but the last night I ever seen Yogi he borrowed money.

I am so glad his boys and wife built a great business cos they went through hell with Yogi . He had a house for them but lived down with us.
You guys do know that Yogi's wife offered Skinny a job when he was down and out ,he intern tries to extort her and the boys.
They are doing great now and through the best party's.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."