Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Gets, it sounds almost hopeless, but it's by God's grace that we don't give up hope. There are ways to move up and out of the extreme poverty in Haiti, but those ways aren't fast nor easy.


Would you believe that since the last post in this mini discussion that I almost got into 2 separate physical altercations with "my people"?

There are lowlifes and pond scum in every culture and without getting into too much detail..the scumbags try to scam and hustle the ones who they don't fear. If you hold your head high, go to school, go to church the losers think they can get over on you and that you won't stoop down to their level to handle things.

I'm no tough guy but if I didn't stand down or become a coward growing up in violence crack era Newark NJ....no way I stand down to these punks.

But this is part of what I was talking about the internal issues that hamper Haiti and Haitians. People are content to remain peasants and live and act that way.Once I stopped seeing them as rational human beings, but as the scum that they were I spoke in the language that scum understands.

Cowards, just like I thought.

If this element of Haitians were the ones going into DR ....no wonder they passed laws to remove all Haitians.