Originally Posted By: SharpieOne
Anyway, they make a very specific point of showing the street signs of this intersection where the beach club and the hangout is. Except in the movie, the go out of their way to show LAYTON AVENUE and CLARENCE AVENUE. The only problem is, in real life, that's the corner of RANDALL and CLARENCE -- not Layton.

I mentioned that here years ago, Sonny Boy grin.

It wasn't anything sinister. They were doing heavy construction on the corner of Layton and Clarence in the Summer of '98, especially by the apartment building, when they filmed it. Plus, the beach club made for better scenery.

My daughters were both little girls at the time and were asked to be extras (along with a hundred other locals). I politely declined.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.