Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: cookcounty

the police killed radio raheem in do the right thing and you're complaining

spike lee doesn't portray Italians as murderous thugs

hell he puts john turturro in almost all of his movies

Radio Raheem? You mean the thug who walked into Sal's Pizza with his ghetto blaster blaring and then assaulted Sal after Sal rightly bashed the hell out of it for disturbing his business? Yeah, he was a real loss to the community. Just like Michael Brown. rolleyes

Thanks Ivy, I wrote quite a bit of how Aiello's character was essentially provoked, and spitefully used the "N-word", out of anger and impulse. My professor didn't mention it in her write up/review of my paper. I was also a bit miffed as to why Spike Lee, wanted to have John Turturro's character so angered over Aiello's character's affection for the young black girl when he was "flirting" with her. Seriously, WTF? If I was Turturro, Lee would've kicked my ass off the set, for my anger, that if I was Turturro would've been raised by Lee's writing of Turturro's character's anger over Aiello flirting with the young black girl.

Seriously, Aiello (in the film, and at that time) was like 60. The girl, about 16-20. Just an old man thinking a girl was beautiful. It ain't like the two of them are gonna hook up. Not where that movie took place in 1989, that's for damn sure.

"The Feds are a business Anthony, millions of tax dollars are invested in watching your ass, sooner or later, just like you, their gonna want a return on their investment." --- Neil Mink, Tony Soprano's lawyer