Originally Posted By: flamingokid123
The last year i worked at Memories, had to be 9 years ago. That summer the bouncers threw out Sonny. He was getting very loud with his wife. I think they were not together anymore. I think her name is Gina. Very nice girl and very attractive. All of her friends were attractive too.

I remember that and was there for that one. Sonny is an asshole sober or drunk but worse drunk. He is one of
Those guys who you go to shake his hand just to say hi in passing and you will barely get out a hello from him. Ive seen him barely say hello to his wife's family/ friends. And if he was with someone he thought was special and/or you werent with anyone he thought was "special" he was even worse. Just an all around asshole in every sense.

Pure speculation, but I think he was feeling himself around that time. If memory serves me correct, I think he was making more money and had more responsibilities with his brother recently locked up. I thought. He was already made back then but i think I saw other reports to the contrary. That being said, does anyone know the true time, year or group he was made with? In south Philly It was assumed he was made before they got locied up 15 years or so ago