His name in a different thread got me thinking about this guy.

He killed for three bosses in Philly he was a associate through the 60's ,and a killer then.
I am just guessing he was not made in the 60's and part of the 70's possibly because of the books being closed.
He was killing for the boss in the 70's

I don't know if Philly went along with the freeze like NY , but Bruno was a stickler for the rules.

He went on to be a under boss and I think a skipper . I am not sure because I am going off memory and I just don't remember.

He was born in Atlantic City but moved to Philly around ten give or take.
His father was a gangster also and was feared in his own right.

Just don't know why we don't hear much about his life ,and his fathers besides Chuckie being under Scarfo.

Any info would be great ..

Last edited by Serpiente; 08/10/15 06:48 PM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."