Originally Posted By: SC
Does Geoff have to close the OC Forum for good? He started the boards without it and did fine and will do fine without it now.

The God's honest truth? For all that I post there, I think it's a good idea. It's getting ridiculous now. Five or six years ago, before the OC section took off, we rarely had a nasty argument here. You, Mig, Beth, Geoff, Turnbull, Cardi, Myself, and a dozen other quality posters who won't even sign on anymore could talk about anything civilly.

Another truth: This board gets mocked for its OC section, and I always say the same thing: It's not their fault. That site was built to be a movie/general discussion site, and the "Real Life" section accidentally morphed and took over the board. It's nothing but trouble and impossible to moderate. Get rid of it and you'll lose a dozen quality posters. But you'll also rid yourself of a hundred stupid troublemakers and trolls who have ten usernames each.

And this is coming from a guy who's been here nine years and posts in that section every day. If these trolls and troublemakers don't quit it, shut the fucking thing down. My two cents.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.