Originally Posted By: Krsheely
My grandfather I have left is suffering from dementia,bad heart and now Parkinson's, been going on for about 2.5 years. Up until bout a year ago he could hold a convo but would get confused after a bit, now can't do that or even walk not a way to go out especially because I'm sure like so many of his generation he works til he physically couldn't, and he was always so loud and jovial and outgoing it's hard to imagine a man like that so helpless. My parents are both turning 60 and while still in good health I notice the small things and them slowing down a bit. Idk how I'm going to deal with tem aging and the issues that are sure to come with that even as a grown man I still look up to my dad so much as does every male in the family, he is truly the patriarch. Never has he once let me down or not been there for me or anyone else in my family. He is solid as a rock, sorry for the tangent

Yeah it's fucking difficult to watch these strong men who could do everything to become old. My Grandfather was admired by so many people just about his determination and modest lifestyle. He could have lived big but he always worked as much or more as the best of them. It was what he valued. I don't even want to imagine my father in that position, hope he goes fast. He just retired and physically he seems to be at his best. He renovates the house more than my mom can handle wink

By the way my grandmother is suffering from dementia too, but it's just starting. Hope her last years will be good, and same to your grandfather.