Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I'm running around like crazy with my Dad today, two different hospitals for four different tests

It's awful isn't it. We take care of my grandfather who is 86 now. His wife of 60 years died and about 1 month later he had an intracranial hemorrhage. It was because of his broken heart. This was in 2009. He hasn't spoken a word since, the part of his brain with speech is completely destroyed. The biggest tragedy is, the man lived for work. He owns forests worth over million euros (if it would be sold all at once, which it never will be), but he worked with a chainsaw and ax to the very day he got ill. He always said, I wish I can go out with my boots on. Well, didn't happen that way. So yeah I can relate, my family has been preoccupied trying to figure out what he needs (he can't say it) for years now.

Good health for your father.

Last edited by Belette; 08/07/15 04:08 PM.