Originally Posted By: Tonytough
There's a bunch of turkish gangsters that run the local drug trade, plus probably import/ export, run card games, etc

I know nothing about Turkish OC and beat up one of them over a decade ago. Random neighborhood fight

Now- my point is, if you've never heard of a "made guy" his badge only goes so far. The guy I smacked up could have been a turk Roy demeo for all I know...

Mobsters, like the rest of the population, are a mixed bag. Just like with the general population, you have guys who are tough, strong, talented, capable, etc., and then you have guys who are not. You also have many that are in between the two extremes. Some guys are more brain than brawn; some guys who have no brawn or toughness at all; and then you have guys who are basically just toughness and brawn.

That fight you had with that 'mobster' could have turned out a number of different ways. Using one example like that really proves nothing overall; it just proves that on that particular day with that particular guy, you prevailed. You can't really extrapolate out from that one instance to arrive at some general consensus about how tough or not tough the average mobster is.

Most organized criminals (I think?) are not professional fighters or strongman competitors who are known for their elite-level fighting skills or herculean strength. They are, however, known for being violent, vengeful, and willing to use violence and mayhem to get their way. I doubt your typical mobster is going to be afraid of some neighborhood street tough or even some pro fighter.

Winning hand-to-hand fights is not how organized crime exerts its influence.

I always have to laugh at self-described tough guys who think that being able to kick someone's a** in a fight has any significant meaning or that physical prowess is the end-all, be-all of anything. If it were, every guy in a position of power in the world, whether a legit guy like the President or a underworld guy like a mobster, would be the strongest, baddest fighter walking the planet. And that is never the case.

Obama, like most world leaders, is a pencil-neck geek. As are many of the underworld leaders. I doubt Carlo Gambino was ever in an actual fight. The same for Castellano and many others.