No man should ever put his hands on a woman. So, the bleeding heart comment may be a little rough, especially on a message board where a number of women post. But, you are entitled to your opinion and I don't want to debate morals and ethics on a gangster website.

I do think that the general feeling of disbelief/outrage/headshaking at this act is completely overblown. These guys are career criminals. Any behavior outside of social norms should be expected from mob members.

If anything, let this dispell any rumors or ideas that these guys have a conscience. They would beat your mother if it meant a financial gain or street credit.

Originally Posted By: thebigfella
Lets not overreact fellas, let not pretend that some of the greatest bosses in lcn have put orders out to kill women, so lets not have a bleeding heart for a wont that gets slapped around a couple of times

Boss of tha toilet!