Food was such a huge part of an Italian family life. I remember my mom planning menu for the week in detail. (Damn, she knew tons of different ways to make pasta.) smile

One of my favorite snacks (tho I've made meal out of it many times) was usually a Sunday night bedtime snack (LOL) It was very simple and always on hand in my house. Black (Greek) Olives,green olives seasoned/pickled provolone cheese, pepperoni and/or salami and fresh Italian bread. Mmmm I'd take a bite of everything and pig out. Every now & then I will go to the Italian Deli and stock up.

Heck, even up until I lost my parents, whenever I'd visit MI, my dad would haul out cheese, pepperoni, olives, etc. and put it all in front of me and watch me eat, as he smiled. LMAO If my plate was getting empty, he'd fill it. lol

Btw, any Italian here ever have Caponatina(I did have to look up the correct spelling)? It's an eggplant/olive/celery/olive oil type sidedish which was common with my family/relatives.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon