I used to feel the same way, until I really started looking at things; I used to think Luciano was the biggest bootlegger, then I read George Remus was the "King of Bootleggers". I'm like okay... I read An estimate that said Luckys outfit grossed 12 million a year in 1925, right? Then I read at that same time period the Outfit was estimated to be grossing 105 million dollars a year? Isnt that crazy?
But I get your point on Luciano, thing is I kinda feel the same about Capone, like the myth is bigger than the man. And yeah Luchesse maybe dies if he rats out Lucky, but consider;
A lot of Bonnanos animosity towards Luchesse stemmed from the fact he knew he set up Maranzano. Now Lucky KILLED Maranzano, and Bonnano made a deal in five minutes, my understanding was that HE started to chafe under Maranzanos dictatorial style as well.
And the Riena outfit was an early defector towards Maranzano, I think he was confidant in their subservience, which can be dangerous...