One, after Costello took the L at the Keafauver thing, his wings were really clipped; His power WAS his political connections, once he got the bad press, Luchesse had the edge on Tammany Hall. Its Like look at Gotti; he cant become boss without Frank DeCicco setting it up, same with Lucky and Luchesse, Luchesse coulda just let him die. And it IS an example of power, information in that life is everything, without it is Lucky is dead. Also with Luchesse competing with Costello, he and Genovese become close; Now tommy is already a BOSS, Vito needed Luchesse to back him on the Commision, Carlo needs Luchesse to back HIM on the Commision, and Luchesse needs BOTH OF THESE GUYS TO TAKE OVER THIER FAMILIES SO TEHY HAVE AN EQUAL VOTING BLOCK ON THE COMMISION. Lucheese, to me at least is the key guy in all of this. What did Tommy say? Luchesse was the gangster... And Carlo was cunning, but I dont think he coulda won a war without Luchesse, y he sued for peace once Luchesse started slowing down..